Sunday, May 24, 2020
Racial Profiling And Its Effects On American Society
Ever since the late 1970 s profiling was associated with a method of interdicting drug traffickers (Data Collection Resource Center, n.d., para 3). The profiling provided not only a quick way to see evidence of concealment in the vehicle, but included age and race characteristics of possible drivers (Data Collection Resource Center, n.d., para 3). The controversy is over whether or not there are a disproportionate number of blacks and Hispanics involved with law enforcement that reflects police racism or is it merely the outcome of disproportionate minority crime (MacDonald, 2003, pg. 9). MacDonald (2003, p. 9) reported the high rates of minority stops and arrests do not accurately reveal racism was the cause. In the past our society has labeled this problem as being prejudice or a racist, but now there is a new term. Minorities refer to it as DWB, driving while black. Politicians call it racial profiling. (Sweeney, n.d.). It is critical to understand the uses of profiling to determine if it is being used improperly. There are two types of profiling methods. Hard profiling uses race alone, as the only factor in determining if a person is being criminally suspicious. For example, if a black man is seen carrying a television set in a predominately black neighborhood and an officer decides that he is suspicious. Soft racial profiling uses race as one factor among others in judging criminal suspiciousness. An example of soft profiling is using known data that a blackShow MoreRelatedThroughout history, racial profiling has become a prevalent issue within humanity. From slavery,1400 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history, racial profiling has become a prevalent issue within humanity. From slavery, segregation, and to world wars, furthermore ongoing issues of terrorism, these examples have led to the profound effects of racial profiling. Racial Profiling can be defined as the action of law enforcers and society, which specifically targets people based on race, ethnicity, religion or national origin and not by actual behavior. Although, many people may believe that racial profiling is non-existent,Read MoreThe Community Of Jamaic A Middle Class Area1723 Words  | 7 PagesNew York City borough Queens. According to American Fact Finder it has an estimated population of 32, 821 with the margin of error being 1550. Of the 32,821 population, there are only 1543 whites (4.7%) populating the Jamaica area of Queens while the community is heavily populated with blacks with the fact finder coming up with 24,847 Black or African American (74.6%) that resides there. The other 6431 left of the populations are divided among American Indian and Alaska Native (1.6%), Asian (7.0%)Read MoreNarrow Views On The United States939 Words  | 4 PagesUnited States was very devastating not just to Americans but also to the rest of the world. The world felt the consequences of this terrorist attack against America apart from condemning it because it was a horrible and inhumane event, but also by America government official’s racial profiling citizens of all nationalities that set foot into America territory. As citizens of the United States, we are concerned about criminality undermining our society; drugs, terrorist attacks and violence are increasingRead MoreRacial Profiling Is A Necessary Evil1100 Words  | 5 PagesRacial Profiling In order to understand racial profiling, it must first be correctly defined. Although different authors use different criteria for the term racial profiling, the definition for the word racial is â€Å"of, relating to, or based on a race The definition the dictionary puts forth for profiling is â€Å"the act of suspecting or targeting a person solely on the basis of observed characteristics or behavior.†Based on these definitions, racial profiling could be defined for criminal justice purposesRead MoreThe Devastaing Effects of Racial Profiling1064 Words  | 5 Pagesneighborhood? Personally I have never been a victim of racial profiling, but I will be 16-years old this summer and able to drive to school, to a friends house or to shop at the mall. I realize that it is a possibility that I could be racially profiled at some point. There have been recent incidents that made racial profiling a very controversial issue. On February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida, Trayvon Martin , an unarmed, 17-year old African-American high school student walked through a gated communityRead MoreWhat Does It Work?870 Words  | 4 PagesDoes it Work? Supporters of racial profiling could argue that using this technique benefits police to target criminals as well as making more arrest (Thomsen, 2011, p. 99). According to Reddick (2004) there is evidence that supports that if the United States allowed the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use profiling on the twentieth hijacker then the events that occurred on September 11 could have been avoided (p. 155). However, many critics state that law enforcements are infringing on the constitutionalRead MoreEssay about Racial Profiling in Todays Society1724 Words  | 7 PagesRacial Profiling in Todays Society Racial profiling is the tactic of stopping someone because of the color of his or her skin and a fleeting suspicion that the person is engaging in criminal behavior (Meeks, p. 4-5). This practice can be conducted with routine traffic stops, or can be completely random based on the car that is driven, the number of people in the car and the race of the driver and passengers. The practice of racial profiling may seem more prevalent in today’s society, butRead MoreRacial Profiling1321 Words  | 6 PagesANALYSIS OF â€Å"RACIAL PROFILING AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE†1 Analysis of â€Å"Racial Profiling and Criminal Justice†Domenica Martinez Colorado Mesa University ANALYZING RACIAL PROFILING AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE 2 Research Question I chose to analyze article titled â€Å"Racial Profiling and Criminal Justice†which is written By Jesper Ryberg withinRead MoreMoreover, The Excepted Institutional Racism Devastatingly1699 Words  | 7 Pagesinstitutional racism devastatingly affects Latin Americans. Even throughout the past century, racial profiling ruthlessly affected Latin American: â€Å"During the period 1929-1937, some 458,000 Mexicans were arrested and expelled from the United States without due process, including many legal resident aliens and their U.S. citizen children. By 1940, only 377,000 Mexican immigrants were left in the country. Those who remained were pushed to the margins of society, segregated into dilapidated barrios whereRead MoreProfling Vs Racial Profiling848 Words  | 4 PagesRecently there have been many issues concerning wrongful searches and police brutality in the criminal justice system. Cries for racial equality and social justice have been heard from across the nation. Profiling and stereotyping are generally seen as almost the same concept, but this is not the case. Specifically, criminal profiling is defined as â€Å"the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on known traits or tendencies,†according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. In contrast
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Essay on Aboriginal Canadians and The Criminal Justice System
No community in Canada comes into conflict with criminal justice system officials more disproportionately than Aboriginals (Dickson-Gilmore, 2011, p.77). Indeed, Aboriginal Canadians are often subject to both overt and unintended discrimination from Canadian law enforcement due in large part to institutionalized reputations as chronic substance abusers who are incapable of reform (Dickson-Gilmore, 2011, p.77-78). One of the more startling contemporary examples of this is the case of Frank Paul; a Mi’kmaq Canadian who was left to die in a Vancouver alley by officers of the Vancouver Police Department after being denied refuge in a police â€Å"drunk tank†. Not surprisingly, this event garnered significant controversy and public outcry amongst†¦show more content†¦William H. Davies was appointed as the sole commissioner. The initial interim report, released in 2009, called for substantial policy changes to alleviate the chronic levels of substance abuse and alcoh olism present amongst the Aboriginal population of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (Davies, 2009). The final report, released in 2011, called for sweeping changes to British Columbia’s Criminal Justice Branch and the manner in which law enforcement officials are charged and prosecuted therein (Davies, 2011). The commission featured 60 evidentiary hearings and 9 days of closing oral submissions. A total of 68 witnesses were called upon to provide testimony. Findings It was determined that Sgt. Sanderson exercised gross negligence when he denied Paul entry to VPD’s sobering cell and that Cst. Instant wrongfully left Paul exposed to dangerous environmental conditions while Paul was in no condition to care for himself (Davies, 2009). Although Sgt. Sanderson and Cst. Instant displayed poor judgement, the reasons for refusing Paul sanctuary were not deemed to be attributed to overt discrimination or racism stemming from Paul’s Aboriginal status. While the officers involved acted irresponsibly, it was ruled that they did not intend to cause Paul harm or bring about his death (Davies, 2009). However, despite fairly strong evidence thatShow MoreRelatedOver Representation Of Aboriginal And The Canadian Criminal Justice System Essay1965 Words  | 8 Pages Over-Representation of Aboriginal: Males in the Canadian Criminal Justice System According to Monchalin (2016), the affects of colonization and treatment of Indigenous community’s correlates to the over-representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system. Furthermore, stating Aboriginal people are susceptible to risk factors, which can result in crime. Monchalin (2016), defines risk factors as influences which increase the probability of being exposed to victimization or crime. RiskRead MoreThe Canadian Criminal Justice System1370 Words  | 6 Pagesexist very much in Canadian society and have seeped into the Canadian criminal justice system. The racialization of crime, discriminatory policing, minority overrepresentation in prison populations and a blatant denial of justice are aspects of the system that taint much of its past and create a worried present. This paper argues against the prevalent Canadian defence of egalitarianism by establishing the presence of systemic discrimination within the Canadian criminal justice system. Whether it isRead MoreThe Extreme Justice League By Michael Barnett1244 Words  | 5 Pagesextreme justice league. The extreme justice league consists of middle ages men and women who are real life superheroes. Each of theses superheroes has various backgrounds of being victims or affected by violence or assault or have had a troublesome upbringing. For example, as a child, Master Legend was forced by his father to fight in a ring against his friends and other children. If he lost the fight he would not be allowed to eat dinner and he would get locked in a closet. The extreme justice leagueRead MoreEssay about Convictions of Adult Offenders in Canada739 Words  | 3 Pagessection 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code, stating that judges must pay particular attention to the circumstances of aboriginal offenders. Thus Canadas top court gave its assent to legal prejudice by allowing the same offence to be punished differently depending on the ethnicity of the offender. The court justified this extraordinary decision, in effect, by denouncing judges across the country for their over-reliance (sic) on incarceration for aboriginal offenders. ForRead MoreThe Effects Of Residential Schools On Disadvantaged Backgrounds855 Words  | 4 PagesAboriginal people make up 4.4% of all Canadians, yet account for 22% of individuals in provincial and territorial prisons. (King Winterdyk, 2010, p. 56). I believe they are over-represented in the criminal justice system due to their disadvantaged backgrounds. This paper will discuss the effects of residential schools, as well as how inconsistent parenting contributes to this sad reality. When the Canadian government set up residential schools in the 1870’s, they took away a major component ofRead MoreCrime And Crime : The Criminal Justice System Essay1520 Words  | 7 Pagesof criminal activity, legal processes of the criminal justice system, and how criminal offenders are processed. Canada’s criminal justice system comprises and constitutes various stages and components. The criminal justice system is a significant tool and entity in the proper and effective justifiable administration of justice. Also, the criminal justice system aims to adhere to different goals, principles, and provisions central to administration of justice and legal processes. The criminal justiceRead MoreAboriginal Women are Oppressed in Society Essay1443 Words  | 6 PagesThroughout history, women have been the victims of oppression in society. In specific, Aboriginal women have suffered through racism, sexism, domestic violence, and over-representation. Through the implem entation of the Indian Act, Aboriginal women have been forced to abandon their culture in order to assimilate into Canadian society. The effects of colonization has changed the way Aboriginal women are treated; emotionally and physically, and therefore are the source of oppression today. The IndianRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System [In Canada] Aims To â€Å"Deliver1780 Words  | 8 PagesThe Criminal Justice System [in Canada] aims to â€Å"deliver justice for all, by convicting and punishing the guilty and helping them to stop offending, while protecting the innocent†(Garside, 2008), however, this definition curated by the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies is inherently vague and does not encompass numerous vital aspects associated with the criminal justice system. A key component in the institutional structure of the criminal justice system is the involvement and integration ofRead MoreWhy Minorities Are Being Treated As Criminals By Police And The Justice System Based On Ethnic Background1528 Words  | 7 Pagesbackgrounds and multicultural society. The two largest groups of minorities in Canada are Aboriginals (general population=4%), Black people (general population=2.5%). Both of these visible minorities are also the largest incarcerated in Canadian Correctional Services: Aboriginals being 23% of incarcerated offenders and Black people being 9% (Griffiths Murdoch, 2014). The critical analysis of crime and criminal justice as social constructs uphold social, racial, political and economic inequalities. TheRead MoreThe Betrayal Of Aboriginal Peoples1473 Words  | 6 PagesMathushanna Tharmalingam Teacher Cynthia Martin Canadian Democracy 306 10 May 2016 The Betrayal of Aboriginal peoples in Canada In Canadian history courses, we studied how the Europeans established in Canada to start a new life. We also learned that Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to discover this empty land, but in contrary, the native Canadians were already living in Canada even before it is discovered. Notwithstanding the European settlers moved in and took over the place. They brought
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Essay on Professional Organizations Associations
In today’s society it is not always what you know, but who you know. It is never a bad idea to join a professional organization and or association. The key is to find the right one for you and your needs. According to, â€Å"A professional organization is formed to disseminate information and unite people who share the same occupation or common interests.†Professional Organizations can also be classified as any social arrangement that has the same aims, aspirations, and goals. A professional organization on the other hand, is usually a non-profit group that helps further awareness and goals of a specific profession according to Yet not all organizations are non-profit, so be careful when you choose. Professional†¦show more content†¦The following list below gives just a few of these reasons: †¢ Joining an organization may offer you an opportunity to be a student leader and make invaluable networking connections for future employment. Showing commitment to your chosen industry, showing your dedication to growing and changing your knowledge and skill sets, and leadership roles can show how you can manage or lead others. †¢ Many organizations have publications devoted to new developments and research in your area of study to keep you informed of advancements and changes. †¢ Membership also offers information on upcoming conferences and conventions which affords you an opportunity to attend lectures by the leading edge experts in your field and to communicate with others with the same interests. †¢ Membership dues can be used to allow the organization to continue to conduct research, policy making, and to hold education conferences to further your education. The cons to joining a professional organization or association include but not limited to whether or not there are yearly fees to be a part of these organizations, distance to travel, accommodation expenses to attend any meetings or conventions. According to our text, it states that you must be up to the challenge of being committed to your career and that you are willing to grow and change with it. There are professional organizations and or associations for every field, whetherShow MoreRelatedNew Zealand : Electric Technology s Professional Bodies1671 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology’s Professional Bodies [Student’s Name] [Institution Title] Introduction Professional bodies are also known as professional associations, professional organization or professional society. These are duly recognized institutions whose aim is to further and promote a given profession to serve the best interest of its members and the general public (Harvey, 2014). 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Psychology wants to understand the nature of a person. Psychiatry deals with medical interventions. Professional counseling which officially grew out of the vocational counseling movement of the twentieth century (Neukrug, 2014) tends to focus on development, prevention and wellness (Mellin, Hunt, Nichols, 2011). It is this focus on development, preventionRead MoreThe Transformation Of The Practice Of Hr1281 Words  | 6 Pagescreation of a family first environment and other benefits catered towards employee retention. The idea that talented employee would like to work in a high-freedom environment has seen a great impact with the organization growth and profits. Apart from majors, there are profession associations and certifications in the area of HR that helps this profession evolve further. The role of human resources is a vital source of success for business. 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There exist many bowling organizations i n the world today for bowlers young and old (May). nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The ABC, or the American Bowling Congress, founded in 1895 is a chief organization of the game today. It was the first founded organization in America, and was developed with the purpose of keeping the sport organized. In 1901 the ABC hosted forty-one teams in their firstRead More Celebrity Puppets Essay1086 Words  | 5 PagesAmerica, sports imagery constituted the most popular way of communicating to the public. The major sports organizations that corporations use to market their products consist of the National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the National Hockey League, but more groups are beginning to get in on the act. These groups include the NASCAR Winston Cup Series, the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA), as well as many others as a result of their increasing popularity and a younger group of starsRead MoreCounseling993 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction to Counseling Written Assignment # 1 I. What is professional counseling? Discuss the most recent trends in counseling. Professional counseling is a service provided voluntary and confidential with the focus on the developmental, situational problems of individuals of all ages and culture. Professional counselors help individuals to make decisions and resolve conflicts. Counselors provide service on different settings like the workplace, schools, colleges and other placesRead MoreAmerican Counseling Association For Counseling Professionals Essay810 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican Counseling Association The American Counseling Association (ACA) is the most sizeable worldwide association for counseling professionals (American Counseling Association., n.d.). The American Counseling Association (ACA) is a nonprofit organization (American Counseling Association., n.d.). The American Counseling Association (ACA) is based out of Alexandria, VA (American Counseling Association., n.d.). It was founded in 1952, by the convergence of four different associations in Los AngelesRead MoreHealthcare Professional Organization And Community Service1289 Words  | 6 PagesHealthcare Professional Organization and Community Service: Review and Analyses Membership within healthcare professional organizations and community service organizations can be very beneficial to one’s career within healthcare management. In this paper, I will review and analyze three healthcare professional organizations: the American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management, the Health Care Administrators Association, and the Association for Healthcare Administrative Professionals. I will
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Brand Community From Subcultures Of Consumption Like...
4. Mainstream ideology distinguishes a brand community from subcultures of consumption like Harley Davidson motorcycle enthusiasts (Schouten and McAlexander, 1995). There is distinction between Harley Davidson supporters which unites because of brand with cruiser fans or even bike packs like the Hell s Angels that are basically subcultures in which the Harley Davidson bike is metonymic as opposed to conclusive. 5. Individuals demonstrates to mindfulness additionally a familiarity with their group s relationship to business movement, in which individuals can acknowledge the way that their enrollment could be clarified as an indication of shallowness, obsession, or realism. This is not altogether different to aficionados of writing, music, and films, whose intrigues may be also saw starting little esteem. 6. The dedication to a brand as the pre-prominent premise for affiliation, is the main trademark that recognizes a brand group from different sorts of group. Brand groups base on a brand, which is essentially a typical antique, it can be phonetic marker (i.e. the brand name), a visual marker (i.e. a logo), or a style (i.e. the item plan). As multivocal images (Turner, 1967), brands turn into an aggregate asset and vault of which means and a referent of their personality (Cohen,1985: 118). This work has drawn a clearer picture of brand communities and has shed light on the attraction of these communities, not only for consumers, but for marketersShow MoreRelatedBrand Community : A Community Of Brand Followers And Customers1573 Words  | 7 PagesBrand community is considered to be a community of brand followers and customers, fastened together by similar behavioural attachment towards the brand. As drastic innovation on the leading platforms reduces down, marketers become progressively limited in their influence, brands are requiring to move laterally to lodge their customer-centred needs. Brands are considering onlookers connected by the synchronization of their brand interest, rather than the unity of their social real world connectionsRead MoreHarley Davidson Case Study2204 Words  | 9 PagesHarley Davidson Motor Company was founded by William Harley and Arthur, Walter and William Davidson. It is the producer and manufacturer of iconic and unique motorbikes, which are desired by millions of people around the globe. It is the most recognized company in motorcycle industry, creator of culture, lifestyle and tradition. It is one of few businesses which have gained the admiration and respect of consumers and competitors. History of Harley Davidson Motor Company started in 1901, when WilliamRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Brand Community1487 Words  | 6 Pagesof people from different geographical background with the craving for a particular brand or product is termed as brand community. In the past people were categorised by their occupation, religion, language and ethnic backgrounds, whereas at present people are distinguished by what they buy and what they are capable of buying. The market must be analysed to strategic brand management due to the dynamics of consumption, individualization as well satisfy collective identity of brand community. EthnographyRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Brand Community1488 Words  | 6 Pagesof people from different geographical background with the craving for a particular brand or product is termed as brand community. In the past people were categorised by their occupation, religion, language and ethnic backgrounds, whereas at present people are distinguished by what they buy and what they are capable of buying. The market must be analysed to strategic brand management due to the dynamics of consumption, individualization as well satisfy collective identity of brand community. EthnographyRead MoreMarketing Strategy Of A Brand Community1800 Words  | 8 Pagesconsumer society , the marketers in industries from packaged goods to industrial equipment are busy trying to build communities around their own brands.Brand community is a marketing strategy which serves a brand. Brand community is the term social scientists use to describe likeminded consumers who identify with a particular brand and share significant traits. HarleyDavidson’s turnaround success was the strategic decision to become the one motorcycle company that truly represented the BrotherhoodRead MoreRÃÆ' ©sumÃÆ' © Marketing Management, 14th Edition - Kotler Keller26673 Words  | 107 PagesLoyalty Relationships 18 Analyzing Consumer Markets 21 Analyzing Business Markets 25 Identifying Market Segments and targets 28 PART 4 Building Strong Brands 31 Creating Brand Equity 31 Crafting the Brand Positioning 34 Competitive Dynamics 36 PART 5 Shaping the Market Offerings 39 Setting Product Strategy 39 Designing and Managing Services 41 Read MoreMarketing Management 14th Edition Test Bank Kotler Test Bank173911 Words  | 696 Pagesmanner. D) It is defined as the field that deals with planning and managing a business at the highest level of corporate hierarchy. E) It occurs when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired responses from other parties. Answer: E Page Ref: 5 Objective: 2 Difficulty: Moderate 4) A social definition of marketing says ________. A) effective marketing requires companies to remove intermediaries to achieve a closer connection with direct consumers Read MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesthe publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: ( 44) 1865 843830, fax: ( 44) 1865 853333, e-mail: You may also complete your request on-line via the Elsevier homepage (, by selecting ‘Customer Support’ and then ‘Obtaining Permissions’ British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing
Sex/Gender and Personal Care Products Free Essays
Sex/Gender and Personal Care Products For this application paper, I chose to write about personal care products as they relate to sex and gender. I chose this topic because I think that separate personal care products for men and women are, for the most part, ridiculous, and I also wanted to see what sort of differences there were between the two genders’ answers to the questions. The people I had complete the survey were around the same age, which could have affected the results, but I found that women used about 4-6 more products than the men, on average. We will write a custom essay sample on Sex/Gender and Personal Care Products or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, the women had a significantly higher proportion of products used to maintain appearance. One of the men reported that he did not use any products only to improve appearance, while all of the women listed at least 3 products for appearance purposes only. I found the most interesting responses on the question that asked which 5 products the person would choose if they could only use 5 products for an entire week. All of the men included toothpaste, shampoo, soap/bodywash, and deodorant. One of the three men included hair gel, but he was the only man who included anything in the list of 5 items that was exclusively for appearance purposes. On the contrary, all of the women included body lotion and body soap, but one woman wrote that she would choose mascara and lip balm and not toothpaste. An interesting observation that I made was that the men had trouble understanding the difference between which products were for good health/hygiene and which were for appearance. None of the women asked me questions about those two questions on the survey, but all of the men did. While all of the women assumed that the two categories were mutually exclusive, none of the men did, and answered the two questions with very similar numbers (for example, the health/hygiene proportion would be 9/10, and appearance proportion would be 10/10). The women had more even proportions, with about 1:3 to 1:1 appearance:hygiene ratio. My findings mostly support society’s views on gender differences, that the genders are very different and should be separated distinctly. With personal care products, society is conflating sex and gender. People claim that it’s â€Å"natural†for people to use products designed for their gender. However, sex is biological, but gender is socially constructed. Therefore, the personal care product companies are catering to social constructions. It is obvious that they are more concerned with social constructions than biological differences with a quick glance strolling down the aisles at a pharmacy. Products for men, for example, Dove Men + Care, use colors like gray and blue. Dove products targeted at women feature shades of pink and fruity scents. While gray and blue are associated with masculinity and pink with femininity, these are not inborn, biological differences. They are socially constructed ideas about what should be associated with each gender. With the weak and easily disproved argument that personal care products are rooted in biological differences tossed aside, it is easy to see many issues with gendering personal care products. First of all, women have many more personal care products than men. With the exception of feminine hygiene products like tampons and sanitary pads, women and men, for the sake of hygiene, have very similar personal care product needs. Both use soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, and maybe lotion and shaving products. However, while men’s products are often streamlined, like 2-in-1, women have a whole array of products targeted specifically toward them that do not have a male equivalent. For example, anti-aging cream, makeup, eye cream, and other products designed to improve appearance are targeted at women, which sends the message that women need to worry about their appearances much more than men. Furthermore, not only are women encouraged to use more products than men, they are often more expensive. I examined the differences between men’s and women’s deodorants on drugstore. com and found that 2. 6 oz of Degree for Women deodorant/antiperspirant is $4. 99, while 2. 7 oz of Degree for Men is $3. 49. Not only do women have more products targeted at them, they are more expensive. Another thing I noticed in the deodorant section was that while most men’s deodorants come in both an antiperspirant and non-antiperspirant variety, almost all of the women’s deodorants contained antiperspirants. This sends a message that sweating, a basic and necessary biological function that all humans do, is okay for men, but not for women. The findings were mostly what I expected. I did expect the women to report using a higher number of personal care products, but I also know that they most likely forgot about some things that they use on a regular basis; however, the men could have also forgotten some things that they use. How to cite Sex/Gender and Personal Care Products, Papers
Asian Music free essay sample
The music of Java, Sumatra, Bali, Floors and other islands have been commented and recorded, and research by Indonesian and international scholars is ongoing. The music in Indonesia predates historical records; various Native Indonesian tribes often incorporate chants and songs accompanied with music instruments in their rituals. Today the contemporary music of Indonesia is popular in the region, including neighboring countries; Malaysia, Singapore and Brunet. Musical Instruments The musical identity of Indonesia as we know it today began as the Bronze Age culture migrated to the Indonesian archipelago in the 2nd-3rd century BC.Traditional music of Indonesian tribes often use percussion instruments, especially sending (drums) and gongs. Some of them developed elaborate and distinctive musical instruments, such as sanded string instrument of Rote island, angling of Sundaes people, and the complex and sophisticated gametal orchestra of Java and Bali. * Gametal The most popular and famous form of Indonesian music is probably gametal, an ensemble of tuned percussion instruments that include metamorphoses, drums, gongs and spike fiddles along with bamboo flutes. We will write a custom essay sample on Asian Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Similar ensembles are prevalent throughout Indonesia and Malaysia, however Amelia is originated from Java, Bali, and Lomb. In Central Java, gametal is intricate and meticulously lay out. The central melody is played on a metamorphose in the center of the orchestra, while the front elaboration and d ornamentation on the melody, and, at the back, the gongs slowly punctuate the music. There are two tuning systems. Each Gametal is tuned to itself, and the intervals between notes on the scale vary between ensembles. Specializing Specializing is a type of instrumental music that is highly improvisational and popular in parts of West Java that employs two instruments, icecap(zither) ND sluing (bamboo flute). It is related to temperaments. * Angling Angling is a bamboo musical instrument native to Sundaes people of West Java. It is made out of bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved so that they have a distinctive resonant pitch when being vibrated. Each angling only plays one note. Culminating Collating or culminating is a bronze and wooden percussion instrument native to eastern Indonesia and also The Philippines. In Indonesia it is particularly associated with Mishaps people of North Sulkies, however it also popular in Manual and Timer. * Sanded Sanded is a plucked string instrument native of Rote island of East NASA Teenager. The parts of sanded are a bamboo cylinder surrounded by several wedges where the strings are stretched, surrounded by a bag-like fan of dried Intra or Palmyra leafs (Oversimplification), functioned as the resonator of the instrument.Genres The diverse world of Indonesian music genres was the result of the musical creativity of its people, and also the subsequent cultural encounters with foreign musical influences into the archipelago. Next to distinctive native form of music, several genres can traces its origin to foreign influences; such as ambush and said from Middle Eastern Islamic music, crooning from Portuguese influences, and dangled with notable Hindi music influence. Temperaments Temperaments, also called commissionaires, or just Caucasian, is a form of sung poetry which arose in the colonial-era of Cinnabar. It was first known as an aristocratic art; one Caucasian composer was R. A. A. Summarizing (Dilettantism), ruler of Cinnabar (1834-1862). The instruments of Caucasian are capturing, cappuccino and sluing or bamboo flute, and rehab for Calendar compositions. The lyrics are typically sung in free errs, but a more modern version, Panamanian, is metrical.It is usually the drums. * Japanning Rhythm is liable to change seemingly randomly, making dancing difficult for most listeners. Its instruments are entirely Sundaes, completely without imported instruments. It was invented by artists like Summarizing after Creditworthiness rock and roll and other western genres in the ass. * Gammas Gammas literally means duo, referring to a type of lute or 12-string pear- shaped guitar, is the Middle-Eastern-derived Islamic vocal and instrumental music.These traditions began to be incorporated throughout many areas of Indonesia by the 16th century. * Said modern Said is an ancient Arabic word for religious poetry accompanied by chanting and percussion. Said modern adapts this for pop audiences. It is used to denote a type of orchestra and the music it plays, believed to be introduced by Muslim settlers from Yemen. Said modern were derived from Islamic pop, adding local dialects and lyrics that address Indonesian contemporary issues. Though popular among Arabs in Indonesia, it has gained little popularity elsewhere. The contemporary form Of Islamic Middle eastern influenced music in Indonesia is Debut that treating suffix approach on music to spread their message. * Crooning Crooning (alternative spelling: Crooning) has been evolving since the arrival of the Portuguese, who brought with them European instruments. By the early 1 sass, it was considered a low-class urban music. This changed in the sass, when the rising Indonesian film industry began incorporating crooning.And then even more so in the mid- to late sass, it became associated with thesauruses for independence. Perhaps the most famous song in the crooning style is Vanguard Solo, written in 1940 by Conglomerations, a Colonels musician. Written during the Japanese Imperial Army occupation of the island in World War II, the song (about the Bengal Solo River, Javas longest and most important river) became widely popular among the Javanese, and then later nationally when recordings were broadcast over the local radio stations.The song also became quite popular with the Japanese soldiers, and when they returned to Japan at the end of the war re-recordings of it (by Japanese artists) became best-sellers. Over the years it has been re-released many times by notable artists, mainly within Asia but also beyond (like Angered ¶only), and in some laces it is seen as typifying Indonesian music. Sang himself remains the most renowned exponent of the style, which although it is seen now as a somewhat starchy and dated form is still popular among large segments of the population, particularly the older generation.After the World War II and during Indonesian National Revolution (1945?1949) and afterwards, crooning was associated with patriotism, since many of Indonesian poets and patriotic songs authors uses crooning and somewhat jazz fusion as the genre of their works. The patriotic theme and romantic wartime romance was obvious in the works of Small Markup, such as Remuneratively, Indonesia Pupas, Seaplane Mat Bola, Scaremongering and Guatemalan. These patriotic songs can be sung in hymn or even in orchestra, but most often was sung in crooning style known as groundbreakings (struggle crooning). The crooning divas; Walking, Consolidators and Hydrogenating, was instrumental in reviving the style in the sass. * Lawmaking or Timetabling There is a style of crooning native to Sauerkraut (Solo) called lawmaking, which fuses crooning with the gametal seven-note scale. * Kangarooing Early in the 20th century, crooning was used in a type of theater called [[simultaneously] ore Somnambulist]; adapted for this purpose, the music was called kangarooing. Kangarooing is quite prevalent in Betake culture officiator. Dangled Dangled was originally an Indonesian dance music that has spread throughout Southeast Asia, became the dominant pop style in the mid-1 sass. Famous for its throbbing beat and the slightly moralistic lyrics that appeal to Muslim youth, dangled stars dominate the modern pop scene. However dangled ? especially performed by female singers ? also often featuring suggestive dance movements and naughty lyrics to appeal the larger audience. This development was strongly opposed by the conservative older generation dangled artist.Dangled is based around the singers, and stars include Aroma Irma and Levy Ukases (the King and Queen of Dangled), Masseur S. , A. Raffia, Camellia Mali and F-Amy Kasbah; along with ICC Pyramid, Vie Tamale, Annuli Dramatist, Julia Perez and Dew Persist from younger generation. * Commissars A musical fusion style of traditional Javanese music and dangled that prevalent in Javanese cultural sphere, mainly Central Java, Yogurts and East Java. There is also Sundaes version of commissars prevalent in Banding region. Contemporary M USIA The contemporary music of Indonesia is diverse and vibrant. Throughout its history, Indonesian musicians were open to foreign influences of various music genres of the world. American jazz were heavily marketed in Asia, and foxtrots, tangos, rumbas, blues and Hawaiian guitar styles were all imitated by Indonesian musicians. As the result various genres were developed within Indonesian music frame; Indonesian pop, rock, jazz, and hip hop. Indonesian music also plays a vital role in the Indonesian creative pop culture, especially s the soundtracks or theme songs of Indonesian cinema and singletons (Indonesian TV drama).Indonesian popular film Vituperatively (1977) were also produced successful soundtrack hit with same title in the same year, the soundtrack was remarked in 1999 with Christy as the main singer and rendered by Erwin Cutaway in orchestra style. In 2007 the film also being remarked again with new soundtrack that still featuring same songs performed by you anger generation artist. Another popular Indonesian coming of age teen movie D ad Pediatricians (2002) also produced successful soundtrack hits with most songs written and reformed by Mollycoddles. Today Indonesian music industry enjoyed nationwide popularity. Thanks to common culture and intelligible languages between Indonesian and Malay, Indonesian music enjoyed regional popularity in neighboring countries such as Malaysia, Singapore and Brunet. However the overwhelming popularity of Indonesian music in Malaysia had alarmed the Malaysian music industry. In 2008 Malaysian music industry demanded the restriction of Indonesian songs on Malaysian radio broadcasts. * Orchestra The classical music have reached Indonesia since the era of Dutch EastIndies as early as 1 8th century, enjoyed only by a handful fealty Dutch plantation owners and officers in elite social clubs and ballrooms such as Exterminations in Batavia and Societies Concordia in Banding. De Schubert van Batavia (today Guesstimating Jakarta) was designed as concert hall in 19th century. Associated as the music of refined, wealthy and educated high class citizen, the exclusive and prestigious classical music never pen etrate the whole population during East Indies colonial era. The type of western-derived music that transcends the social barrier at that time was Crooning, known as the lower-class music.An amateur group called Patchiest Philharmonic Orchestra was established in Dutch Colonial times, later it turned into the MINOR orchestra, as soon as the radio broadcasting station Neanderthals-lenience Radio Impressionability was born in 1912. Today it is known as Jakarta Symphony Orchestra that has existed in the countrys musical world for almost a century through its changing formats to suit prevailing trends and needs. In 1950, a merger of the Cosmopolitan Orchestra under Joel Clever and the Jakarta Studio Orchestra under Shouted and Sandbar appeared as the Djakarta Radio Orchestra underHankie Strike for classical repertoires, and the Jakarta Studio Orchestra led by Superficially specialized in Indonesian pieces. In 201 0 Jakarta Symphony Orchestra staged a comeback after a fairly long absence. In sass to 1 sass classical music in Indonesia aired mainly by the nation al radio broadcasting service Radio Republic Indonesia (RI) and the national TV station Teletypewriters Indonesia (TV) through their programs. During these decades, the classical orchestra mainly developed in Universities as extracurricular activity for students which include choir. In sass the group of repressions symphony orchestra start to took form, notably The Twilit Orchestra led by Edie MS, was founded in June 1991 , initially an ensemble with 20 musicians. The ensemble has developed since then into a full symphonic orchestra with 70 musicians, a 63-member Twilit Chorus, and a repertoire that ranges from Beethoven to The Beetles The orchestra has played a role in promoting Indonesian music, especially in the preservation of national songs by Indonesian composers and traditional songs.Aided by the Victorian Philharmonic Orchestra with the Twilit Chorus, Eddie MS re- recorded the Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Ray, by WAR Superstar in its original orchestral arrangement by Joss Clever, as well as other Indonesian popular national songs in the album Confectioneries. Today, major cities like Jakarta, Banding, Yogurts and Curably are no strangers to orchestral music, with their own symphony groups. Jakarta, for instance, has its Angostura Symphony Orche stra, the Twilit Orchestra and the Jakarta Chamber Orchestra. Pop Indonesian pop music today is known simply as pop Indonesia is heavily influenced by trends and recordings from America. ] Although influences ranging broadlooms soundtracks to Hollywood pop acts are obvious, the Indonesian pop phenomena is not completely derivative; it expresses the sentiments and styles of contemporary Indonesian life. Goes Barracudas later formed as Goes Plus is considered as one of the pioneer of Indonesian pop and rock n roll music in sass and sass. The American and British music influences were obvious in the music of Keyboarders, The Beetles were known to be the main influences of this band.Several Indonesian pop and ballad singers were survived through decades and become Indonesian music legends, such as Infants, Frustratingly and Christy. Today, the popular ands include Petersen, Radar, Gig, Dew 19, Sheila on 7, Damasks and Indri, all of which tour regularly in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia and are featured on MAT Asia. Some of Indonesian pop bands are rekindle with their Malay roots and revived a genre called Band Pop Namely (Pop Malay Band) and popular in late sass. The pop Malay bands are Awaken Band, WALL, Historian, Armada, Angst, and SST 12.This genre is the contemporary form of old Ores Namely style, once popular in the region across Indonesia and Malaysia. The most recent foreign influences on Indonesian pop music are the style and genre of I-pop and K-pop. Several ands such as I-Rocks, Geisha, Dais and SMS*SSH banded are imitating the style of Japan and Korea pop culture. And also spreading new generation of Girl Band, side effect while banded founded in Indonesia, such a icons, Cherry Belle, and also JETTY. * Rock Just like pop music, Indonesian rock scene also heavily influenced by the development of rock music in America.The most influential Indonesian rock band was probably Panders and God Bless that popular in sass and 1 sass. In late 1 9805 to mid 1 9905 several female rock singers popularly known as Lady Rockers were famous in Indonesia, such as Knick Astrid, Nina Christie, unhanding that started her career in as a pop-rock singer in Indonesia before moving to France and pursue her international career. Other notable rock bands include Clank, Neutral, riff and Jammed. * Jazz fusion Some of Indonesian musicians and bands were exploring the jazz music.Notable Indonesian jazz musicians are; ModUlUS band, Karma band, Barry Laughing, Underclassman, Sharing,MaliDestination and Truism (Towpath, Dà ©butant, and Balkan). Various other groups fuse contemporary westernizes jazz fusion music with the traditional ethnic music traditions of their hometown. In the case f Sauerkraut and Sambaed, the bands from West Java, the traditional Conceptualizations and gametal orchestra is performed alongside drum set, keyboard and guitars. Other bands such as Bassoon Java were fused Javanese music with bassoon, while Skull fuse jazz with Balinese gametal.The Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival is performed annually, featuring famous International as well as Indonesian jazz musicians. It has become one of the most important Jazz events in the region. Many kind of jazz hang on in Indonesian Indiess project, such as Scouted, Sandy Sanford and many more non-label band or singer. And those music quality are not inferior and compete world class jazz. Music of Japan Prepared By: Cyrillic Anne Capitulation Traditional music varies not only according to historical conditions, but also according to social and geographical conditions.One of the most interesting facts about the study of the history of Japanese music is that almost all of the major music which originated in the Ancient (8th century), the Middle (9th-18th centuries) and the rather Recent period (19th century) have been preserved without great alteration. Gaga has its source in the 8th century. The Non was established in the 1 5th century, and Samisen was in full bloom in the 1 7th-19th centuries. Cannibalize music appeared to make its influence felt in Japan. The music of this instrument is usually in the pure traditional style.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Health and Indigenous
Question: Critically review and appraise policy and practices that contribute to the Health and Wellbeing of children, young people and their families. Answer: Summary of Smoking in Pregnancy Smoking is one of the lifestyle habits that most government and people advocate against. For those embracing smoking, they argue that it helps in stimulating their brain and cure stress while health practitioners have documented its side effects. However, of concerns is smoking in pregnancy. Firstly, some researchers attribute smoking to miscarriages among pregnant smokers. In addition to that, documents reveal that it causes a number of dangers to the health of the fetus (Bowes, Grace, 2014). Thus, medics strongly recommend that pregnant women ought not to smoke before, during and even after pregnancy. Moreover, the group that is more at risk is those that are of lower classes for they rely on breastfeeding as the main source for nutrition for their new born baby. Some of these effects include but are not limited to low birth weight, a sudden death of an infant syndrome, and pregnancy complications such as placental abruptions and placenta prevail. In Australia, smoking is common a mong the indigenous group. Thus, the government has put in place policies and embraced guidelines that not only aid pregnant smokers, but also adopt an approach that is geared towards embracing their right for self-determination, access to care and equity. In addition to that, the principle of health promotion, advocacy, and primary care are essential not only for all population group but to a pregnant smoker and indigenous Australians as well. Thus, applying such principle can help in many ways to alleviating this unpleasant trend. Policies Relevant to the Smoking The Australian government has put up policies that are geared towards preventing smoking among her population especially, for pregnant women. However, these policies follow a clear guideline that is derived by many agencies and players, locally, and even abroad, for instance, the recommendation of World Health Organization (Clifford et al., 2015). Thus, it prudent to discuss such policies and guidelines in relation to smoking in pregnancy. It has been proposed that the national decrease in smoking amid pregnancy happened in light of solid antismoking endeavors focusing on the general population. World-driving populace and approaches have been actualized in Australia since 2003. These incorporate broad communications, plain bundling of tobacco items, realistic health notices on cigarette bundling, expanded tobacco charges and the expansion of the boycott of smoking in encased open spots to incorporate authorized premises. Both broad communications and rising cigarette cost were compel ling in diminishing the predominance of smoking in Australia's general population (HealthInfoNet et al., 2015). Adding realistic notices to cigarette bundles was not related with lessened smoking pervasiveness in Australia, but rather it was related to expanded calls to the smoking discontinuance helpline, similar to the commanding of plain packaging. The Legislature is focused on guaranteeing that projects to address high rates of smoking depend on the most exceptional proof, and are conveyed in a way that is fitting, successful and proficient to indigenous Australians. Accordingly, the Administration has embraced a free audit of the Handling Indigenous Smoking project. The survey will build up another proof to give suggestions in light of an ideal approach to decrease Native and Torres Strait Islander smoking rates. Smoking in pregnancy and the principle of Health Promotion, Primary Care and Advocacy There are various ways that the government of Australia can advocate smoking in pregnancy in line with the principle of health promotion, advocacy and health care. To start with the principle of health promotions, the government, both the national and the state ought to ensure that there is empowerment for all Australians in regards to the benefits of not smoking during pregnancy (Chrisopoulos, Harford, Ellershaw, 2016). In addition to that, there must be public participation in advocating for the reasons why pregnant women ought not to smoke. The government and health care organization ought to partner with other agencies, like the main stream media, to air their agenda on smoking in pregnancy (Jervis-Bardy, Sanchez, Carney, 2014). Lastly, it is not prudent to rely on one strategy in fighting for women smoking before, during and after pregnancy. It is advisable that multi strategy policy will be a preferable to focusing on one strategy. In regards to primary care, the campaign on stopping smoking ought to be made on the population that is highly in need. Additionally, the community must be involved in antismoking campaign and lastly, it is important to educate Australians on the possible danger and benefits of smoking before, during and after pregnancy. There is also health advocacy; the services that can facilitate these antismoking programs must be made accessible to the community in need. The best way is to include educators, medics and parties involved in facilitating the policies of making women aware of not smoking. Smoking in pregnancy and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families Factors in outlining viable health care for Indigenous people group include: including all Indigenous in execution of projects; recognizing distinctive drivers that propel people; building viable associations between group individuals and the associations included; social comprehension and systems for successful criticism to people and families, group proprietorship and support for intercessions (Walker et al., 2014). Family-focused methodologies over the life course have additionally been suggested in the counteractive action of interminable disease. The Provincial Handling Smoking and Sound Way of life groups conveyed under the Handling Indigenous Smoking system, a part of the Australian Government's Indigenous Australians' health Project expect to advance antismoking effectively, sans smoke situations and support more advantageous way of life decisions through encouraging indigenous Australians, health advancement and social advertising exercises (Jongen et al., 2014). However, al l the programs that the government put in place follows fair distribution of resources, they also do not allow do not give the people what they do not and lastl, they ensure that their resources are available to everyone. Immunization Summary of Immunization This denotes a process in which human being is treated in such a way that a particular agent causing illness cannot cause disease. The body system of a person is thus made strong to resist or prevent against potential immunogen from altering his or her health. Immunization is often done to human beings to strengthen their functionality of B cells, T cells and the antibodies of B cells. In hospitals and other health care centers, immunization is carried out via various methods. The process of immunization is called vaccination, and the agents or rather drugs used for the process are called vaccines. The fact that immunization can help one from acquiring disease makes it an important activity for both children and adults (Osborne et al., 2015). However, for children, it has two benefits, firstly, it helps in protecting them from acquiring diseases, and second, it offers a means of developing their immune system which is yet to develop during their early stages of growth and development . There are two methods of immunization, or rather; immunization can be effected in two ways, that is, active immunization and passive immunization. To start with the first one, active immunization occurs naturally when a microbe enters into someones body. In effects, as the body has natural ways of fighting diseases, it will create antibodies that will fight against the microbe. This makes the body aware of the microbe. Should it happen again, the body will have equipped itself well to encounter the microbe (Smylie, Firestone, 2016). On the other hand, passive immunization denotes inducing elements to provoke the immune system to produce antibodies to fight against such elements. Thus, should the same agents, that have the potential to cause disease come again, the body will be well equipped to fight them. Unlike active immunity which is life lasting, passive immunity tends to fade away with time. Some of the common diseases that one can be vaccinated against include but are not l imited to polio, tetanus, and tuberculosis. Policies of Immunization in Australia The government of Australia has got policies put in place to guide immunization of her population. However, it is worth noting that there are also guidelines that the government has laid out or rather follow in its implementation of immunization. Firstly, the policy is based on collaboration and suggestion from the public-private partnerships which are in line with Global for Vaccines and Immunizations. These guidelines and policies help health care practitioners to administer vaccines based on certain set of standards (Staneva et al., 2015). Additionally, The projects give assurance against probably the most destructive irresistible sicknesses that pose serious ailment and have the potential to pass to other groups (Clifford et al., 2015). Two dosages of the antibody are given in a period of half and from the beginning of the year once. Irresistible maladies, in spite of the fact that are representing just a minority of the abundance ailment load in Indigenous Australians, are espec ially advanced by highlights of their weakness, for example, stuffing, a poor framework for health and cleanliness, and poor nourishment. They are likewise more promptly and quickly focused for intercession than interminable illnesses. Antibody preventable illnesses are especially manageable to fast and savvy aversion, and focused on immunization programs have been appeared to lessen health disparities. However, conveyance of these projects, as other social insurance intercessions, relies upon socially fitting health administrations Immunization and the Principle of Health Promotion, Primary Health Care and Advocacy Immunization policies and guidelines can well be served to the Australian population by following the principles of primary health care, health promotion and advocacy. Firstly, it is important to educate the public on the benefits of undergoing immunization (Baum, 2016). This is essential as an informed person will be willing to take their child for immunization. Secondly, there ought to be accessibility of health centers for all Australian population. This is a requirement that policy makers must strive to achieve. Another requirement is for the people that are highly vulnerable but willing to receive treatment to be included and offered with vaccination. The indigenous Australians tend to ignore immunization for cultural beliefs but with proper education, these groups will is likelihood to shift that mentality (Durey, 2010). In advocating for immunization, policy makers or the government may need to apply a multi strategy that will incorporate many players unlike doing it independe ntly with the help of medics. Lastly, it is important that all players involved be at the forefront in advocating for immunization. Immunization and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families The standard of health status of Indigenous Australians has been broadly announced and is connected inseparably to their continuous social and monetary disservice. Additionally, they follow the principle the principle of equity, self-determination and health care accessibility. Measures to diminish health care disparity are best centered on aversion and other measure that could aid in bridging the gap of disparity in regards determinants of health among indigenous group (Eldredge et al., 2016). From 2015, season's cold virus antibody will be free to all Native and Torres Strait Islander children that are a half year to five years and accessible under the National Vaccination Program. This season's flu virus shot will secure children against the most recent regular influenza infection. A few kids beyond five years with other therapeutic conditions ought to have the season's flu virus shot to decrease their danger of creating extreme flu. Various inoculation programs are accessible for individuals of Native and Torres Strait Islander drop. Breastfeeding Summary of breastfeeding This is one of the most important activities that mothers perform to their children immediately after birth. It refers to the sucking of babies for milk on their mothers breasts. According to medics, a child needs to start breastfeeding one hour immediately after birth and the act ought to continue for as long as the child needs to milk. It is common for children to nurse milk more often in the first weeks but this usually decreases as the child grow older. There are many advantages that come with breastfeeding a child. Firstly, studies documents that breastfeeding reduces the risk of a child contacting respiratory tract infections and also avoid diarrhea. In addition to that, breastfeeding has the potential to reduce chances of a child contacting diabetes type 1, asthma and leukemia (Galbally et al., 2013). In addition to those, studies reveal that breastfeeding improves cognitive development in children and prevent them from any risk of infection. Moreover, medics have partners wit h other agencies to promote the campaign of women breastfeeding their children with the aim of spreading the message louder. In addition to that, indigenous group as a community are highly in need of the campaign on breastfeeding and thus, it is concentrating its efforts on this particular group more than in other groups. Another important aspect countries can do to promote breastfeeding is involving the community in the campaign for breastfeeding. It is done in many ways, for instance, by educating them and giving them the mandate to spread the importance of breastfeeding to their community members (Baum, 2016). Policies put in place for breastfeeding in Australia In Australia, there are policies and guidelines that the government has put in place to help people or rather encourage women to breastfeed their children. The policies and guidelines are guided by principles of health care, advocacy and health promotion (Lehmann et al., 2010). The government of Australia knows the need for breastfeeding and therefore, it has put up measures that help children and even mothers achieve this by following certain guidelines. To start with the first one, the national government and the state stipulates that breastfeeding ought to start within the first hours or as it may deem fit based on the circumstance (Pearce et al., 2015). Secondly, both the national and state government suggests that infant-mothers ought to remain together. In addition to that, another policy is that the infant ought to be allowed to be the one who is regulating feeding or breastfeeding without any restriction either on the length or duration. Also, infants are not to be given any supplement or artificial dummies. In regards to the duration, the national and state government puts it that it is a must for children to be given exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months then other substance like food may follow as they grow older but at a slower rate (Passmore et al., 2015). However, both the national and state government hold that milk ought to be the important main intake for the newborn for the first twelve months after which food substance should then be introduced. These policies are line with the World Health Organization guideline which stipulates that children breastfeeding must be critical and be given to children for the first two years or more after which food substances should then be introduced. In the formation of policies and campaign on breastfeeding, the Australian government and policy makers find it prudent to follow the principle of primary health care, advocacy and health promotion (Eldredge et al., 2016). In regards to breastfeeding and the principle of health promotion, the Australian government through health professionals empowers women on the need of breastfeeding and why it is important to the health of the children. In addition to that, the government has deliberately allowed the public to attend seminars and other forum that campaigns for breastfeeding especially in this age where mothers are too busy with their careers to find time to breastfeed their children (Baum, 2016). Lastly, there is the principle of advocacy which entails involving educators and promoters in advocating for breastfeeding. This can be done, and is often done by professionals and government agents through the ministry of Health in Australia and the aim is make people aware as to why the y need and have to breastfeed their children. Breastfeeding and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Families The indigenous group in Australia, that is, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families are known to have not only poor education but also most of them are poor as compared to non-indigenous Australians. In line with that, the Aboriginal people deserve to be taken into consideration in helping children and women breastfeed their children as far as the principles of equity and access to health care are concerned. However, all this must be in line in respecting their rights, that is, what they deem fit, also known as a right of self-determination (Coleman et al., 2015). It is in so doing that Australia has come up with the National Breastfeeding Strategy with various activities in place (Gould et al., 2015). In its policies, it borrows from Australian Dietary Guidelines and international Organizations frameworks. Additionally, the guidelines are from a broad range of expert opinions and peer-reviewed journals. On 1 July 2014, the Australian Government set up the Indigenous Austr alians' Wellbeing Program, uniting four existing subsidizing streams: essential human services financing, maternal health programs, and more grounded Fates in the Northern Region and programs secured by the Native and Torres Strait Islander Perpetual Sickness Store. The IAHP expects to enhance the strength of all Native and Torres Strait Islander people groups through an assortment of focused exercises concentrated on neighborhood health needs that are intended to accomplish health equity amongst Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in tyke mortality and future (Duckett, Willcox, 2015) References Baum, F., 2016.The new public health(No. Ed. 4). Oxford University Press. Bowes, J. and Grace, R., 2014. Review of early childhood parenting, education and health intervention programs for Indigenous children and families in Australia. 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